Fred Flitsch, PhD, MBA
Fred Flitsch, PhD, MBA
Chairman of the Board
Advanced degrees in the fields of Physical Chemistry and Business Management combined with nearly two decades hands-on experience overseeing Manufacturing Operations for companies such as IBM and Philips Semiconductors gives Dr. Flitsch a unique perspective on the semiconductor manufacturing industry.
In 2004, he foresaw a large void in the industry’s economic ability to perform small volume activities. Believing that void threatened improvement for the entire industry, Flitsch saw the need for a novel solution and resolved to make it happen.
While helping to shape programs and facilities for both small technology based companies with innovative products and one of the largest and most advanced manufacturing companies in the world, he methodically refined the theories that lie at the foundation of his vision for the future.
Several years and numerous patents and patent pending innovations later, he launched the startup technology company that would serve as the springboard for his unique small volume fabrication solution; Futrfab, Inc.
Says Dr. Flitsch, “At its core, the Futrfab manufacturing environment empowers designers and engineers by decreasing the financial risks associated with revolutionary design. Through the accommodation of small volume production, Futrfab enables them to freely conceive and implement dramatic innovations in design and then put those concepts into practice within short periods of time.
It’s the fabricator of the future.”
Like the startup technology company he founded in 2011, Futrfab’s Chief Executive Officer, Fred Flitsch, is difficult to define in typical corporate terms.